1. Introduction to Stocks/Indexes/ETFs option
- Why to trade options?
- Basic Definitions.
- Buying/selling stock vs buying/selling option
2. Covered Calls
- Buying stock and selling covered calls.
- Break even point
- Profit and loss calculations.
3. Spreads
- Spread Benefits
- Vertical Spreads
- Horizontal Spreads
- Diagonal Spreads
- Debit Spreads
- Credit Spreads
- Straddle
- Strangle
4. Adjustments
- Correcting Strategies
- Follow-up Strategies
5. Underlying Asset Selection
- Fundamental Analysis
- Technical Analysis
- CAN SLIM approach
6. Cash flow generating Strategies
- Buying and Selling Time
- Delta Fluctuation
- Resistance and Support Trading
- Trend Trading
7. Asset building / tax differing Strategies
- Registered Account
- Non registered Account
8. Trading Preparation
- Finding right broker
- Opening an Account
- Trading Capital.
- Margin Requirement
- Internet Trading
9. Getting information on internet.
- Monitoring sheet.
- Placing order through broker.
10. Monitoring the success and Continuous Improvement Strategies